Monday, 11 May 2009

101 Great Ways to Sell Mary Kay Cosmetics and Products

Dear Friend,

101 booking ideas..... take 5 ideas and work with them! Keep this
in your file at home so that you can refer to them!!!!!

NSD Sheron Flaster sent this and I'm sharing it with you. BOOKINGS ARE THE
LIFELINE of your business. If you're out of bookings you're out of business.
eas, and you will NEVER be out.

Booking is an attitude. If you think you can - you can. If you think you can’t - your

BOOKING IDEAS................................. they're everywhere..................

1. Friends, relatives, neighbors, people you work with, people you once
worked with, former classmates, people from your husband’s job or
organizations, recreation contacts - this is a way to get started. Use
Booking Dialogue "How to Book Your 1st Eight Classes."
2. Promotion - Dialogue "How to Book Your 1st Eight Classes." Change to say
you are getting a promotion to Star Consultant, Star Recruiter, Team Leader,
etc. Use with family, friends, former hostess, etc.
3. Portfolio - One of the most successful ways to book appointments. All
women love to be a model.
4. Check-up Facials (or color appointments) - to everyone who buys the basic
5. To Earn free - for those customers who couldn’t afford all the product they
6. Selective Approach - people you just like.
7. Hostess Contest - Rebook past hostesses - having a contest and just thought
about you.
8. Tentative Date Approach - use when a hostess is unsure of the date.
9. Facial Boxes - put in businesses, doctor’s office, restaurants, florist,
cleaners, dress shops, etc.
10. People in your neighborhood or apartment complexes. Send a flier or use
the Introduce Yourself Letter from the Company.
11. Telephone Book - use a survey.


12. Welcome Wagon, New Comers to church or neighborhood.
13. Beauty Books - Leave everywhere - Doctor’s/Dentist’s offices, beauty
shops, laundry mats, store bulletin boards, reception areas, large buildings’
bathrooms, mall bathrooms, restaurants, etc.
14. Warm Chatter - Use a survey or portfolio booking approach.
15. Book to Look - have basket in center of table and when they book, they
get to draw for an extra hostess gift.
16. Glamour Classes - invite preferred customers to your home where they can
learn a new glamour look for spring/summer.
18. People who have postponed or canceled.
19. Mother’s Day Class - all of your customers for a Mother’s Day Gift from you.
20. Birthday Class - all of your customers who have a birthday in the same
month. Or have a
birthday party for Mary Kay's birthday May 12 & donate some proceeds toward
Cancer Research.
21. Clubs, Organizations, Drill Teams, Cosmetology Classes, Home Economics
Classes, Physical Education Classes - offer to do a special talk, do two
models, get names of everyone attending and followup for individual
22. 1/2 Price Sale - for anyone who didn’t buy the basic set. Call and offer
basic set at half price if they share a facial with three ladies you haven’t facialed.
23. Offer a special gift for having 5 people at their check-up facial/color
24. Mini Class - use these words when someone says they don’t want to invite
friends over for a skin care class. Have them only invite 2 friends for a mini class.
25. Business Cards - spray with cologne and insert when mailing a bill,
making a bank deposit, giving a check, paying with cash or a credit card.
26. Wear Mary Kay Pin Upside Down - people will tell you that it is upside
down. Thank them for telling you and offer to give them a free facial for being so
27. Give your hostess an extra special gift if she has three bookings before you
arrive to do her class.
28. Wedding Parties - look in the local newspaper and call the brides from
engagement announcements and offer to do their wedding party.
29. New Mothers - look in the local newspaper and call the new mothers and
offer to do a free makeover.
30. Contact Bridal Shoppes, Photography Studios, Catering Services - offer to
be a part of their wedding or advertising package.


31. Fun Packages - make up packages of product or use a beauty book and
special customers sell a certain product for you. Example: sell 6 lip glosses
- get one free. This approach is great for teenagers.
32. Surveys - everyone loves to give their opinion. Do it everywhere you go, use
neighborhood directory, church directory, or go to the library and use the
Cross reference Directory that has a list of all the people living on each street in
the city.
33. Nail Care, Boutique, or Gift Classes - have special classes with your
customers or your potential customers where you just show nail care, body
care, Spa products, Supplements or fragrance items.
33. Booking Game - use at classes. While the masque is drying have them write
down the names of their friends and phone numbers for referrals for booking.
Give a small prize for the most names. Example: an eyebrow brush.
36. Penny Booking Idea - use at classes. Put a penny on a tray. When the
customer asks about the penny explain that when they start with at least the
basic set they can use their penny to purchase one item when they share their
check up facial/color appt. with three friends.
37. Promotions or Transfers - watch newspaper for ladies who receive a
promotion or transfer. Call them and congratulate them. Offer them a free facial.
38. Teachers of Your Children - Don’t forget to do something nice for them.
Teacher Appreciation Day May 8th!!!
39. Chamber of Commerce - most cities have a book you can buy with a list of
all clubs and organizations. Follow up by calling the program or social
chairman requesting the opportunity to do a program on skin care at one of their
meetings or coffees. Tell them there will be no sales that day.
40. Ministers - these people know women who may need some help with self
esteem and also who may need to work.
41. Men’s Wives/Girlfriends/Moms/Daughters - think of the men you come in
contact with
each day - insurance men, repairmen, husband’s friends, postman, UPS man,
etc. also men with whom you work. They all have wives or female friends.
Don’t forget them.
42. While vacationing - remember we have no territories. Always take your
Go case with you on trips. You can get lots of business and
recruits. It is relaxing, fun and deductible.
43. Nursing Homes - these people need attention and can become your best
customers. They will love it. Pamper them!
44. Business, Modeling, or Beauty Schools - wonderful source for skin care
and glamour presentation.
45. Hotel, Motel and Restaurant Employees - contact the manager. They love
for their employees to look their best. Offer to teach skin care/image.
46. Conventions - ever think about what the wives have to do at conventions?
Find out who the manger is of the hotel for these events and you can often
have a room to give facials to the ladies.
47. Referrals - always ask for referrals from each person you come into
contact with. Make this a habit.
48. Fashion Shows - offer to do the models or set up a booth and offer a
49. Miss Teen Contest, pageants, etc. - offer to do a model or set up a booth
and offer a drawing.


50. Drama and Theater Groups - these people must have makeup.
52. Preprofiled Guest List - any guest you have preprofiled that was unable
to attend a class.
53. Sample Booking - staple samples to your business cards or Beauty Book.
When you meet
someone you would like to book - tell her you’re doing a "customer acceptance
survey" on a exciting new product and would they test your product for 24 hours.
Then call them back and ask how they liked the product and ask for her opinion
of TimeWise and book her a skin care consultation.
54. Halloween Booking - give out a small facial certificate to all the
children offering their mother a free facial.
55. Ads - place small company-approved ad in your church, subdivision, or
local newspapers. (Check with your Director for approved advertising).
58. Reorder Bookings - offer customer a chance to win their reorder free by
booking a class.
59. Fundraising Groups - Women’s Clubs, Churches, Cheerleaders, etc. - offer a
of sales for their great project. Example: let them sell Satin Hands, lip gloss, sun
screen, etc. and give them 25% to 30% of everything they sell.
60. PhotoMat Sales People - drive up and look at photo albums for your
portfolios. Tell them what it is for. Offer before and after makeover for her.
61. Telephone Solicitors - listen to her sales presentations, decline
politely, tell her you are in a contest to give away free makeovers to the
next 10 women you talk with and she is a lucky winner.
62. Anyone who sells you something - your way of thanking them for being so
63. Booths - you can set up booths at arts and craft festivals, bridal shows,
or any place you can display your product. Remember you are not allowed to
sell from a booth. Only take booking leads.

WELLLLL ??? e-mail me and let me know which five of these
ideas EXCITE YOU !! What would be FUN!!???

65. Sororities and Frats - Contact College Sororities and Frats
66. Graduates - Schools, Back to School
67. Lip on Card - See Sheet on Demo Lipcolor On Your Business Card
68. Portfolio - Before/After Pictures
69. Hot Lip Parties - Model Class At Meeting
70. Glamour Shops - Introduce New Spring/Fall Colors
71. Scavenger Hunt
74. Preferred Hostesses - 20 Customers, 3 Shows/Yr., Priority Seating, 50%
Off Fragrances
75. Facial Thru Mail - Send Foil Samplers with Beauty Book to try, then call back!
76. Mother/Daughter - Mother/Daughter Before and After Pictures
77. Holiday Glamour - Using Special Holiday looks
78. Nails - 85% Use It - Nail Care Class
79. Monday Night Model - offer Model's special.
81. Gift Certificates for Makeover/Holidays.
82. Use Trend Look Cards to book second facials.
83. Pool Party - Summer looks around a child’s pool. Do a Hollywood Legs
84. Cards with Husbands - Tips - When husband goes out for lunch, he leaves
your business card with his tip.
85. Gift Giving Service - Executive Shopping Letter.
86. Open House - Send out invitations, make appointments.
87. College Dorms and High Schools - business clubs, DECA.
Isn't this just what you needed? be
a STAR this quarter !!
89. Anniversaries - Offer to do makeover before dinner.
91. Cold Weather Classes - Time to reprofile for Winter. Warm Weather -
Summer time!
92. Day Care Centers
93. Lunchtime Facials - or hand facials when you're on the run!
94. Paper Clip on Profile - 6 Months - Facial, Nail Care, Body Care, FootClinic, New Colors
95. Take Hand Facial - Satin Hands
96. Model of the Month - Before and After pictures taken with own camera. Atend of month, one is chosen and receives a gift.
97. Fragrance Clinic - Show the layering of fragrances.
98. Brush Clinic - how to use brushes.99. Trend Look - Pick one look out of Look Book and promote for a month.
100. Eye Clinic - Do eye looks on half of face only.
101. Glamour Clinic - for women who wear glasses.


Selling to your friends and families is JUST ONE WAY OF SELLING MARY KAY.


Email me for your Beauty Consultant Agreement! £185 to join and you get over £500 in products.

Procrastination kills! DO IT NOW!

olubolaadeleye@yahoo.comI will love to have you on my team!

How to manage your time effectively with Mary Kay


* ALWAYS Attend and Support Company Events.

Try to take guests to EVERY Monday Night Meeting so you can be motivated and trained while your earning!!

* Take New Team Members Along with you to your Skin Care Classes and talk to them in the car on the way. Try not to tie up both of your precious scedules with personal "extra-training" times.

* Listen to Motivational Tapes while you put on ;your make-up in the moring and while riding in the car. Make your car a "college on wheels."

* Try To Do Two Things at Once. For example, why not listen to tape while ironing? Write postcards while you're getting your haircut. Drop deliveries off on the way to your child's ballgame!

* Don't Sweat the Small Stuff! Keep growing form frustrating moments that point to a need to re-prioritize and plan better. Frustration proceeds growth. It's not meant to be a sign to quit!!

* Make a Bug List. Write down those things around the house or in your business that "BUG" you and tempt you to get off track. Scheduling a time to "fix" these pesty items will relieve you of stress.

* Always Be Solution-Oriented not problem oriented! Guard your attitude and your time will be much better utilized!!

Get the Ultimate Mary Kay FREE Virtual Makeover

Hi Gorgeous,

The Mary Kay Website - - is your expert source for the best in beauty.

It is uniquely packed with the latest beauty trends and tricks of the trade, including the exciting Mary Kay Virtual Makeover feature.

Step 1 - Upload your own photo.
Step 2 - Play with makeup.
Step 3 - Try makeup artist looks on yourself.
Step 4 - Share your new look with friends.

It's fun, fast and fabulous.

Go from virtual you to beautiful you!

Connect with me today for your FREE personalised makeover!

Email me at for your makeover!

Who is Mary Kay Ash?

Act Enthusiastic and You Will Become Enthusiastic!

A lesson from Mary Kay."Enthusiasm is a way of life. It's a magic spark that transforms being into living, and it makes hard work enjoyable. Nothing will help you to sell yourself better than the power of your personal enthusiasm."

Work Will Win Where Wishing Won'tA lesson from Mary Kay."Remember, if you do the things you ought to do when you ought to do them, then someday you can do the things you want to do when you want to do them.

Whatever you do - or dream you can do - begin it."Give the Gift of Positive ThinkingA lesson from Mary Kay."

The most valuable gift you could give your children is not money, but instead it is the ability to think positively. The money will soon be gone, but the ability to think positively will go on to help your children be a success throughout their entire lives."

Olubola Adeleye